, a site that describes itself as a “ISRAELI TRAINING CENTERS FOR ELITE SECURITY PERSONNEL” has been hacked and defaced today. The hacker(s) are unknown, but the motive was in the text on their deface page.
The people of Pakistan are always supporting the brave people of Gaza, we love you! - A message form Pakistan- A message from #Pakistan #OpIsrael | #Antisec | #Anonymous | #FreeTopiary | #VoxAnon | #FreeAnons | #OccupyWallSteet We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
This is announced via a tweet by @DBCOOPA and then tweeted by @YourAnonNews.
As of now the site is up and still defaced, you can view a mirror here:, we will update this story if more information is released.