@TeamGhostShell has leaked over 700k accounts for #ProjectSunRise – Africa’s heart. Ghost Shell is infamous for their large leaks in the past.
They announced the news via Twitter, you can view the tweet below.
This leak has been posted to Pastebin with a list of mirrors and parts for the leaked data. Collectively there’s 109 parts from 23 websites which totals over 63MB in size in text format.
Also, CyberwarNews.info listed the list of sites that where breached,
For now here is a list of sites that have been breached, full statistics to come.,
- africa-re.com
- woolworthsholdings.co.za
- diamondcorporation.co.za
- www.africanmining.com
- bee-network.co.za
- alliedti.com
- illovoboulevard.com
- genesisib.co.za
- omni-id.com
- ornico.co.za
- moolmans.com
- endiama.co.ao
- angolaoilfield.com
- www.expresspetroleum.co.za
- servicedesk.ufs.ac.za46
- westcol.co.za
- theinc.co.za
- sasolsdr.investoreports.com
- tenders.nation.co.ke
- www.mta.gov.dz
- pressoffice.mg.co.za
- freightforwarders.co.za
- digital.postnet.co.za
Team Ghost Shell is also claiming that they have teamed with anonymous, which they announce in the Pastebin post.
We stand together Divided by non We are legion We are team ghost shell and Anonymous together We are a hackers ultimatum We are active!
They also alluded to a leak in the future “This project also ended up coinciding with one of our off-scene black operations regarding the oil industries in North Africa. Ties with the CIA have been made inside Angola and as such we’ll release a small teaser about it as well to promote this.”