NullCrew hits another large institution, earlier this week they hacked Asus, and today they hit one of the most prestigious schools in the United States
NullCrew then leaked 1.2k+ usernames, e-mails and plain text passwords. They posted the leak on Pastebay.
Username:Plain text Password:E-mail –
aa2 cazar [email protected]
aa3 aznam [email protected]
aa4 gnzaa [email protected]
ab1 ibeaz [email protected]
ab2 aobnz [email protected]
ab3 urabz [email protected]
abb2 bbzaum [email protected]
abk1 oisazln [email protected]
abs2 zbsatn [email protected]
ac1 tzaain [email protected]
ac2 asupt1 [email protected]
ac3 brown1 [email protected]
ac4 liamhayden [email protected]
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@Zer0Pwn - @manst0rm - @_airyz - @_ignit3
Hello. This release merely had a reason other than to prove that nothing is secure. In fact, the governmental and educational sites are the least secure in the experience we’ve had with .edu and .gov websites. You don’t believe our reason hm? Well, we had access to the SSNs, Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers of 1200 Yale students and staff. We didn’t dump those, because of our reason; to prove nothing is secure. Let’s start the dump now. The format is Username, Password, Email. Enjoy.