In what is today being addressed by many the week of leaks, another site has been breached and passwords leaked. Yesterday LinkedIn was victim. Now has been targeted and breached. This arising list of hacks arouses a good amount of enquiries that have no resolution at this time: Who will be next in line? Has anybody discovered the exploit these hackers are utilizing to acquire accessto these large sites? Do these sites poses something in common that is helping these hacks? How long until the hole is found?
Apparently it’s time to change your password for all of these sites and whatever additional sites where you’ve used the same password. And be mindful of phishing attacks, as they’ve already commenced circulating for the LinkedIn breach. It’s merely a matter of time till phishing attempts for eHarmony and start circulating.
A program that ZeroSecurity suggests that will help keep your passwords safe, and randomized for every site is LastPass. This program is a browser addon for many of the popular web browser that are currently available. You can generate passwords for each site and save them to your LastPass account. When you visit the site and are logged out it will auto fill the password for you, this could also reduce the risk of being keylogged.