@Zer0Pwn has leaked data that contains personal information that has come from Comcast’s Facebook-based quiz page/database.
@TheWikiBoat: Comcast Hacked pastebin.com/kUzhSFFP #WikiBoatWednesday @anonopshispano @AnonOpUK
He announced the leak on Twitter and posted on Pastebin with the following message:
Hello everyone. Do you know what today is? Today is #WikiBoatWednesday. #WikiBoatWednesday is when all the members from @TheWikiBoat fight corruption, leak data, and bring down websites. Today for the kickoff of #WikiBoatWednesday, I got even more data from Comcast. The first part is Employee names, ages and salaries. And the second part, is information logged from “Facebook Quizzes”. Quite odd that they’d be storing your information from facebook in THEIR database hm? Anyways, I believe the format for the Facebook Quizzes is something like: Quiz-ID | User ID | Password | And some more info after that. So enjoy .
The leak contains no breached emails, but a dump of usernames and encrypted passwords can be found.
Pastebin Link: http://pastebin.com/kUzhSFFP – Update: Has since been removed from Pastebin.
Some of the content leaked:
Detected 1 occurrence(s) of ‘\| (user|username|login|password|email|uid) \|’:
salaries. And the second part, is information logged from "Facebook Quizzes". Quite odd that they'd be storing your information from facebook in THEIR database hm? Anyways, I believe the format for the Facebook Quizzes is something like: Quiz-ID | User ID | Password | And some more info after that. So enjoy ;).
142519864, 'Susan Martin', 39, 56990.00
242518965, 'James Smith', 68, 27099.00
141582651, '
Detected 1 occurrence(s) of ‘\|\s+Password\s+\|’:
salaries. And the second part, is information logged from "Facebook Quizzes". Quite odd that they'd be storing your information from facebook in THEIR database hm? Anyways, I believe the format for the Facebook Quizzes is something like: Quiz-ID | User ID | Password | And some more info after that. So enjoy ;).
142519864, 'Susan Martin', 39, 56990.00
242518965, 'James Smith', 68, 27099.00
141582651, '