A huge name in computer hardware and electronics has been hacked today by the newely formed group NullCrew, members include, @Zer0Pwn, @manst0rm, @_airyz, @_ignit3 . They leaked administrator usernames and hashed passwords to pastebin.
The message left on pastebin:
_ _ _ _ _____
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| \| |_ _| | | / \/_ __ _____ __
| . ` | | | | | | | | '__/ _ \ \ /\ / /
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@Zer0Pwn - @manst0rm - @_airyz - ignit3
Greetings everyone. Today we decided to leak some very interesting information. Information from the Web-Admin from good old ASUS. These accounts are from the ASUS eStore, and I've tried, and you can login to them. I also found it a challenge because I saw the GoDaddy "Security" icon. That said they were verified for proper security. Couldn't stop after I saw that ;). Enjoy.
Target: http://us.estore.asus.com/
Data Stolen: Administrator Usernames and Passwords
Format is: Username:Password