@DarkWebGoons announced on Twitter earlier today that they had leaked around 20,000 credentials from The Association of Irish Festival Events. You can view the Tweet below:
http://t.co/HBeLi40n #Leaked #100% By #DWG [20k credentials]- http://t.co/K595rYBR @Cyber_War_News @HackRead @INST1NCT_
— DarkWeb Goons (@DarkWebGoons) January 6, 2013
The leak is contained in a TXT file on the DarkWebgoon’s website (http://www.darkwebgoons.net/data/associationirish.txt). The leak is in contains names, emails and from what it looks to be plain-text passwords. There are also hundreds of other e-mails and hashed passwords from various databases.
There looks to be no real motive, but a message that reads “All data will be leaked from each database one by one.”
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