Symantec has reported the finding of a new strain of malware that is targeting both Mac and Windows, after OSX.Flashback was patched by Apple which infected over 600,000+ computers report by Symantec:
Threat Assessment
Wild Level: Low
Number of Infections: 0 – 49
Number of Sites: 0 – 2
Geographical Distribution: Low
Threat Containment: Easy
Removal: Easy
Damage Level: Medium
Releases Confidential Info: Gathers information from the computer.
Distribution Level: Low
This new strain checks what OS the victim is running and then attempts to exploit the system using Oracle Java SE Remote Java Runtime Environment Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2012-0507) and then downloads the correct malware onto the computer.
The code that is embeded into the webpage that checks what OS the victim is running:
Many believe we will see a lot more of this in the future, as the Mac user base grows, eventually it might even reach a point where all malware will be able to run on linux, mac and pcs.